Sunday, July 8, 2012

Last day

These photos were taken by a reporter from the Newport News Daily Press
in Yorktown, VA on July 6th.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Almost There

We are set to wheel into Yorktown tomorrow afternoon at about 4:00pm, eastern time to complete our transAmerica ride. We are about 35 miles from Yorktown tonight.

Thanks to the promotional efforts of Valerie and Suzanne the Yorktown paper is meeting us at the beach to do a story.

We rode through Richmond this morning and had a glorious ride along the James River toward Williamsburg. (note that "glorious" really means mostly downhill). It was sauna-oppressive-hot though!!! We are tired... And bit freaked out about the ride ending... But we are very excited.


Monday, July 2, 2012

VA Adventures


I told Suzanne that she needs a new look because this one is taken.


We are glad she is here taking care of us, because we are dragging a bit.
It's getting tough to keep going, but there are only 4 days of riding left.   Yesterday we got to take showers at a YMCA!   Tomorrow we are going to the Appomattox Courthouse Museum and then riding the rest of the day.

We are running into larger towns and went to a bike store in Radford, VA, a college town, and got swindled for two new tires for Peter's bike. 
But I'm not bitter.

We went to WalMart and bought new biking gloves, because ours were so worn that our hands are aching at the end of every day.  And when we wake up in the morning.  And just around suppertime.

There are churches next to churches and across the street from churches here.  One street we rode down had 10 churches in less than a mile.  Each has an historical plaque explaining that it was founded in 1781 by Thomas Paine or Henry Clay, or it was where Abraham Lincoln made his First Communion.  There are churches with special names like "Homegrown Church of the Real Truth Disciples."  We passed a church that had a marquee that said on one side: "Man's greatest possession is God."  On the other side it said: "Love God as you are loved by others."  Then I hit a pothole and swerved to avoid a car.

Yesterday I was stung by a wasp.  It just flew up and stung me on the elbow.  Now my elbow itches like crazy.     This is my new elbow:

Peter's latest Hai Ku Activity:

         Across the US
         Bicycling all the way
         Saw the Sky....and Cows.

         Body parts that hurt
         But we ride on every day
         The roadkill is gross.

Our new portrait: