Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Disabled Wildlife

Riding on Monday in Folsom, I found that it was Butterfly Day.  There were monarchs everywhere and it was a sight to see.

Yesterday in Placerville it was RoadKill Day.  Imagine my excitement.  With the smell of skunk wafting in the air, I pushed to move a little more quickly than usual down Missouri Flat.  On the way, I passed two grey squirrels lying on their little furry backs, holding up their paws to the sky.  Also, a squashed bird and the first snake of the new year.  And two pennies!

On the way back, I saw a little tiny white cane with a red tip lying in the dirt.  It was like those little canes the Lyons give out when they're collecting donations at Christmas.  But this one was lying in the dirt about 3 feet from a poor little squirrel.  He was face down, so I couldn't tell if he had dark glasses, but I thought that this road was obviously not safe for snakes and birds, let alone able-bodied squirrels.  What the heck was a blind squirrel doing trying to cross here?  There's no way a car would be able to see that little 3-inch white cane, that's for sure.  Something ought to be done.

Then some redneck hick in a brand new Mustang honked at me for being on a bike on the side of their road.  You wouldn't expect a redneck hick to be driving a brand new Mustang, but there you are.

1 comment:

  1. Poor little squirrel.
    Let us know if you have any overnight spots picked out from OKC to MO so that Jim & I can coordinate our golf course stops.:)
